Dear Sirs,

My name is —————. I am currently a prisoner in Multnomah County Jail, serving a 180-day, day for day, for
public drunkenness and disorderly conduct. Recently I retrieved your pamphlet from the trash and after drying it out, found it to be the most powerful and timely gift to help my broken mind, body, and spirit. It never leaves my side and is now ragged. Many many people want one, but I only let them copy parts by hand to show their truthful wants. No one in the chaplain’s office knows where your booklet came from, as they say they’ve never seen one or had one before. You and I know exactly where it came from. It has
changed my life and behavior…
May God bless you for bringing light and hope back into my life through His Word. God bless you and keep you!




Dear Jim,

I read the booklet “How To Get Rid of Bitterness” in late 1993. It was a sort of revelation from the Lord that made me feel I should begin my life anew but first I was to forgive my husband (we were divorced for 10 years already and there was no day and no place for me to curse him again and again) and there was
also my friend, my colleague (we had been bosom friends for 14 years before she betrayed me when I got a chance to get a very high position and to move to the capital to the Presidium of the Academy of Sciences). I read and reread the booklet and could not overcome my profound astonishment at how stupid it was of me to feel that bitterness because of them, for me who knew Jesus so well and found all the drawbacks of my life on learning what He teaches. I began to pray for the Lord to set me free from this sin. There were no
cleansing tears I used to have when I repented and received Christ as my Savior but I felt such bliss and rejoicing that I prayed and prayed and I felt I am becoming a different person. It was long ago and now I remember that there were such people in my life but this memory is not in my heart this memory is sort of a dry fact as 2x2=4. I was happy and I HAVE BEEN happy to have this God’s weapon against bitterness. All my friends have a Russian copy of the booklet and from all of them I heard, “Nell, how simple and how great. I am so happy to be taught this truth that liberates”. I do not know who gave me that book because there was a very big team from America and they brought many good books. But my understanding is that it was God’s angel who put it among other books or else I could devastate myself with the bitterness I felt. And you can hardly imagine how happy I was to receive a personal letter from JIM WILSON himself. God’s will be

Nellie Provolotskaya

Novosibirsk, Russia

Keep it for reference, read it in pieces, give it to a friend or relative.

Click here to order your copy today!

bitterness cover.JPG


But if you harbor bitter envy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast about it or deny the truth. Such ‘wisdom’ does not come down from heaven but is earthly, unspiritual, of the devil. For where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and every evil practice. (James 3:14, 15)

Dear Jim,

__________ is a good friend of ours and we attend church together. He provides your book How to be Free from Bitterness to us on a regular basis. Last week I gave it to a friend who wanted some help for her
brother and sister-in-law in the area of bitterness and below is part of her e-mail back to me. “I mailed that Bitterness booklet to my brother and sisterin-law. My brother read it from cover to cover and asked his wife
to read it as well. He did not think that she would read it, and at the point that he asked her to read it they were going on week 2 of not talking to each other. He also apologized for several things he had done wrong and told her he loved her and headed out the door for work. “Well, when he got home from work, he said his wife was waiting for him and was crying and told him that she was sorry and had no idea how her bitterness and wickedness in her heart had affected him. He said that is the first time she had ever admitted any wrongdoing. “He called me to thank me for sending that booklet to him. I mean he thanked me over and
over and kept saying that he wished he could somehow express his thanks. He said that booklet has  hanged his life forever, even to how he deals with people at work (guess I better read it too).” Just wanted you to know how it touched their lives.


I wanted to thank you for the Day & Night book that you sent to me. I read about half of it in the first day and, as when I read the Bitterness book, I learned quite a bit about myself. I wanted to briefly share an experience that I had as a result of the Bitterness book. I am 38 years old and have been a Christian
my whole life but did not really “Get it” until I committed my life to Christ when I was involved in a retreat on Nov. 4th 1995. Since I was in my early teens I have had dry and cracked skin on my fingers that would bleed and peel and was quite painful. In 25 years I have tried every known treatment for dry skin from the medical field, from family remedies, and things that were given to me by friends and family that were concerned about my condition. I was even treated by the U.S. Air Force’s head of Dermatology when I was in basic training in Texas. I have never had more than mild improvement and even treatments that helped were not effective for long. I tried moisturizers and rubber or cotton gloves when I slept and even used them at work on some of the worst days. When I received your Bitterness book I packed it in my bag and deployed the next day to Saudi Arabia as part of Air Expeditionary Force #6. I read the book on the way over and again
when I got there. After thinking about it for a while I finally realized that maybe it was the bitterness that I held towards many people that was my problem; I believed that the dry skin was the manifestation of my bitterness. I offered the bitterness (and the dry skin) up and have strived since then to clear up past wrongs where I could, and to let go of hurt and anger in all instances. I am happy to say that by the time I got home 45 days later I had normal skin again for the first time in 25 years, and it is still fine four moths later. I review
the Bitterness book weekly and strive to keep myself bitterness- free and living in the Word. Have a great day and thanks again. God’s Blessings to you and your Ministry.


Dear Jim.

Greetings today and just a short note—another testimony about your little booklet on bitterness and forgiveness. That booklet came unexpectedly in the mail a few days before I went on some active duty time to Quantico. I threw it into my briefcase as I packed, thinking that I would read it on the trip. Later I did,  noting how helpful it was. After a class day in Quantico an officer came up to me and asked for my advice. This reserve Major was a lawyer working in the Pentagon. She wanted to know if she should bring legal
charges against the Col. she worked for. The next day she handed me a legally prepared document 20 pages long chronicling the offenses she was keeping against this man for the last six months. None seemed really serious to me but they were obviously taking an enormous toll on her health. I asked that before we talk she read something that I would give her. So she read your booklet on how to be free from bitterness. It struck right to the point for her and although she had been brought up in the church, it confronted her in a very meaningful way. Later, in dealing with the matter of her boss (and some other serious hurts from the past) I had the opportunity to share the Gospel in a life-changing way for her. In
the process of that discussion I asked her if she would die that day, did she know what would happen to her, etc. Here is what was so significant to me. She said, “After reading that book on bitterness, I don’t know what would happen to me.” It was evident to me that your message for her was the preaching of the
law, and it was showing her a need and driving her to Christ. I rejoiced to see how God used that message and continue to pray for her that God would establish her in the faith…

Still appreciating your friendship and leadership in Christ Jesus,



Dear Jim,

I don’t think that we have met face to face, but I enjoy reading your emails and have heard about you for years. I am a ’74 USNA grad. I read your Bitterness book several years ago and would like to give you a brief testimony. I have been in Christian ministry for about 22 years on staff with the Navigators. I was
trapped by the lies that my significance was based on ‘rank’ or ‘title’ and when I did not receive ‘promotions’ I became bitter. This bitterness lingered and once set in, became the ‘root’ for many other perceived offenses to take hold of me leading to more episodes where I felt I had the ‘right’ to be bitter. The pathetic thing is that everyone around me could see it, but I couldn’t. It was right out of Psa. 73, “When my soul
was embittered, when I was pricked in heart, I was stupid and ignorant....” After reading your booklet, for the first time I saw that bitterness is and by itself a ‘sin’. I asked God to show me every root of bitterness that
was in me. In a short period of time, I was able to list 16 different roots of bitterness. I took time to confess each one, one by one and asking God for forgiveness. Then I called my supervisor and confessed all 16 to him and asked him for forgiveness. God graciously forgave me and set me free. I have to guard my soul,
for it has proven to be a fertile ground for bitter seeds to dwell. I must diligently guard my thoughts to prevent any of the previous 16 items from taking root again. Thanks for your booklet and teaching. It is much needed in the body of Christ.

In Christ,


Greetings to you, dear Uncle Jim,

I praise God for bringing me in fellowship with you. I have been privileged to read your message “being free
from bitterness.” I really needed this part in my life as I have been in this sin often without recognition.
Recently, I was struggling with bitterness towards a person and could not love as I ought to as a Christian. Was given your message on bitterness to be read by my husband. I prayerfully read your message and was convicted of my sin. As you said, I neither kept it struggling in my heart nor went to the person and shared about it, but went right to God on my knees and confessed my sin God helped me to come out of that  bitterness towards that person and is helping me to love her. I really thank you very much for that wonderful, life-changing message in order to become like our Savior. By the way, I want to introduce myself. I am Chaitanya David, wife of C Stephen David from India (Discipleship Training Center). I need your prayers
so that God would reveal more and more of my sins and help me to deal and deny myself and enable me to carry my cross following Jesus Christ. Your message out of God’s Word is a blessing in my life and I pray it would be in many others’ lives.

Your daughter in Christ,

Chaitanya David

Hyderabad, India